Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Thank You Mister Photographer Man

When I received the link to the Blast photos (see horrid pic from last blog entry) I was horrified! The thought that anyone visiting the photography site need merely to type in my name to find photograph evidence of the MOST embarassing run of my life was humiliating. So I did what I thought any girl trying to protect her dignity would do, I emailed the company and begged to have the photographs removed from the site. With a wish and a prayer I sent my request out into the email world and I hoped for the best. Here is how it all went down...

(My email to Customer Service):
Is there anyway I can have my photos removed from the site? They are truly the most hideous pictures of me I have ever seen. I blame myself for the tragic outfit choice, but I would love to have my photos de-tagged so that others do not have to witness these horrifying images. I really appreciate any help you can give!!!

(Customer Service Reply):
Thank you for your email. We can delete your images from our website, but once they are deleted, they are permanently gone and cannot be retrieved. Also, we cannot delete all photo's if other people are in the picture with you. Please provide the photo id numbers of the photo's you would like to have removed.
Best Regards,

Customer Service

(My Reply):
THANK YOU so much for your help.The photos I would like to have removed are: (photo id numbers have been removed from this email to protect my dignity, err, i mean, identity). I really appreciate you helping me out with this. I promise to wear a better outfit and SMILE for the cameras during my next race.
Thank you,

So, I would say I learned a lot with this experience. First off, it never hurts to at least ASK for what you want. Second, Shay is my favoritey-fav person of the week. Third, carefully consider all race-day wardrobe decisions.... the camera is always watching.


Emily Malone said...

you are officially insane. this might be your craziest move yet!

BS said...

Blast! (No pun intended) Emily posted exactly what I was going to post.

Mary Ann* said...

I disagree. This is the sort of exchange I would expect to see in a Fielding/Kinsella/Giffin novel. Snaps to you!