Friday, July 18, 2008

I'm In Love With A Boy

Gavin DeGraw had a concert at Bogart's on Wednesday night. Fun times! Attending this concert was about the only thing that got me through a 6 mile run in 95 degree heat with unbearable humidity.

In yet another mark of the transition to me being an old lady (previous examples include: my new obsession with iced tea, requiring a minimum of 7 hours of sleep a night, no longer watching The Real World), Em and I arrived at the concert after the opening act. In early days we would arrive at concerts HOURS early to secure our front row location. This day we gladly settled into a spot at the back of the room. And I think we may have been missing out by pushing our way to the front of crowds for all those years. The back was absolutely fantastic. We were far enough away that we could actually see Gavin, rather than just the head of the person wedged directly in front of you. We were not hot and sweaty, though the place still reeked of other sweaty beasts. And best of all we had plenty of room to DANCE to the fabulous Gavin setlist. The concert was really fun, Gavin sounded amazing and he played a great selection of songs from both albums. I know I'm not known for having the best musical taste, but you really should check out Gavin's music.

Marathon training continues. Week 6 is almost over. The last week of 3-6-3, I will be sad to see that routine end. A short step-back of 9 miles on Saturday. Planning to run before sunrise tomorrow morning, hope I can drag myself out of bed. And next week starts a 4-7-4 routine, ending with a half marathon on Saturday in Columbus. So, I need to plan out a 4 mile routine that I can face running twice a week for the next few weeks. I guess the ol' 3 miler was getting a bit boring. Highlight of the week was almost running into a freshly paved sidewalk section. There were cones, I thought I could ignore them, I stopped just short of sinking into the concrete and I did get heckled by the pavers. Embarrassing!


Mary Ann* said...

I also love iced tea, although I attributed it to my move to "the south". The sweet tea has definitely done its part in contributing to the expansion of my waistline.

Did Gav do an acoustic of "More than Anyone"? That song is my love.

Emily Malone said...

he didn't even PLAY "more than anyone" - i was very surprised. used to love that song as well, but now reminds me of a horrible, whiny ex-boyfriend, and makes my skin crawl. so i was not so disappointed that he didn't play it.

did play "sexual healing" which was lovely.

Jen Lilley said...

oh man I am so jealous. I hope you guys had a good time.

Lindsey said...

hate that you missed the show!
gavin was out of control; standing on the piano, telling stories, oozing with sexy charm, oh, and the music was good as well.

love that you have a blog!