You should watch The Dish on the Style Channel. I'm not sure what other programs are on this channel, and I am pretty sure the host (you may recognize her as Topanga from Boy Meets World) doesn't have any other job offers, but this show is perfection. It is like Best Week Ever, back when that was still a great show. They cover all the latest and greatest happenings in magazines, tv and celeb culture from the previous week. 30 minutes (or 24 minutes if you dvr and skip all commercials) of pure trashy fun. Check it out people! Seriously, new episodes air at 7am Saturday morning. Set the dvr to record and you have the perfect companion for a Saturday morning hangover.

"It is like Best Week Ever, back when that was still a great show." Whoa lady, BWE is *still* a great show!
I agree with Lindsey... BWE used to be sooo much funnier! I am interested in any show that stars former "TGIF" stars...
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