My main goal in training for and participating in the Chicago Marathon on October 12 is to raise money for Team Lungevity. My goal is to raise $500 to donate to lung cancer research. I know the marathon is still weeks away (I just started week 7 out of 18 training weeks), but I would really like to raise as much money as possible. One way to raise money is to plan a special event fundraiser (more details on that at a later time). For now I am still in the "beg my loved ones, friends and family" phase of gathering donations. I thought it might be fun to create a mailer to remind people about the training, blog and donating to Team Lungevity. I used my best librarian research skills and googled "cute lung picture". This photo was by far the winner! Look at these cute plush lungs. Check out the
iheartguts website for more plush internal organs. Who doesn't want to snuggle up with a nice pair of lungs on a stormy night.
I love the lung-olays, but the Heart of Gold is pretty precious as well (and a v. cheesey romantical type gift idea).
One of these days I will actually send out some sort of mailer, but for now if you have a few extra dollas, please donate some of them to Team Lungevity. I had planned to donate my proceeds from Saturday's yard sale to Team L, but my profits ($11.50) were spent instead on anti-depression meds to help recover from the horror that was the world's worst yard sale. See Emily's post for more information.
If anyone has any great fundraising ideas please let me know. I am the Girl Scout who never got a cookie badge because it required us to sell a minimum of 7 boxes, I quota that my sales skills rendered me unable to reach. Sad, but true. Hoping I have much more success for Team Lungevity than I did for the girls in green.
1 comment:
omg the plushy lung? cutest thing EVER!
did you see the black lung t-shirt? i can see you rocking that one to the bar and harassing all the smokers. bonus - it's super soft american apparel!
a few short months to reach our fundraising goals, but i know we can do it!
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