Monday, June 16, 2008

I Confess...

I ran a marathon, I wrote a blog about it, and I am doing it all again!

I finished my first marathon in May. It was an amazing experience, made all the more fun because Emily and I were selected as Flying Pig bloggers for our local newspaper. To read more about our first training experience check out the CinWeekly archives.

Now we are at it again. This time Em and I, along with Em's husband-to-be, Casey, are training for the Chicago Marathon on October 12 and raising money for Team Lungevity as we do it. Team Lungevity raises money for Lung Cancer research. My dad, Ron, passed away in October from lung cancer. I cannot tell you what it means to run this marathon in memory of him, raising money in honor of him, and to have Emily and Casey join the team as well. We all plan to run the marathon and raise money for lung cancer research.

Check out these websites:

Lindsey's Team Lungevity Donation Website

Em's Marathon and Wedding Blog

Emily's Team Lungevity Donation Website

Casey's donation website will be added soon! (I don't think we can convince him to do a blog!).

I plan to blog about: the horrors of training for a marathon during a humid Ohio summer, the challenges of finding shoes to fit my aching feet, the joys of indulging in a post-run food binge, and all the other highs and lows I experience as I train my way to Chicago on October 12!


Emily Malone said...

the only thing wrong with this blog is that first sentence - delete! you are NOT a mess, but you did email your blog to me at 1:30am, so im assuming that had something to do with it.

love the blog, hate running, love you!

a few blog suggestions:

- embed your links. use the link tool to just highlight words and attach the link to them

- perhaps a list of links on the sidebar? then your link to your fundraising page will be there all the time, and people wont have to scroll back to this original post

love your colors, and love that you posted our ACTUAL time below the finishers photo:)

Emily Malone said...

blogger default is for this type of comment page. but pop-up comments are much more user-friendly, so you dont have to switch back and forth between pages.

Emily Malone said...

NICE work Ritz! Looks great. Have already added it to the favorites:)

Mary Ann* said...

Love you, love blogging, love that now you too can participate in DLO Reunion Blog Seminar. :)

Love your layout, hate mine, want to revamp everything to try and parallel the cuteness of your page.

Adding you to favorites now :)


Emily Malone said...

how long do we give blake before he starts a blog?

Mary Ann* said...

His blog would only serve as the catalyst for hilarious DLO conversations. :)

Mary Ann* said...

also, holcs, why were you posting at 5:45 and :46 am????

BS said...

I have been tempted to start a blog in the past but I would not be able to resist writing about the nonsense that happens at work. Maybe a private blog like Ben.....

I have seen other blogs where a group of people all post to one blog - then not as much pressure to post everyday.

Lindsey said...

B, I know you will crack, just like I did. Come on, you know you want to. But what would your blog be called...?

BS said...

"Now You're Being Ridiculous"

AmberSamblanet said...

Hey Lindsey!
Glad to see you back in the blogging game. Between you and Emily, now I have something to fill the Flying Pig blog void!

Mary Ann* said...

HAHAHAHAHA, has B written allllll over it.

A long time ago, I think I set up a blog for the DLO, but it never took. It was like B was talking about, where everyone can post. Now we all have our OWN. Look how far we've come!